Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 34: On a mission to Mission

Today I started the trek home from the west coast. To clarify for those who might be new to this blog, I'm taking an indirect route on my trip across Canada - biking from Toronto to St John's, flying from St John's to Vancouver,  then biking from Vancouver back to Toronto.

Today's ride was unique in that I had my big sister join me on the road. Much like me when I started this trip, she didn't do any training, and hadn't spent more than an hour or so on a bike at any one time before, she just thought it sounded like a fun thing to do. I think it's a Smith thing.

What was really interesting was being able to relive my first day's ride through her experience. It doesn't feel to me like I'm any better at this than when I started, but listening to my sister explain her experience reminded me of what a struggle it was at the beginning compared to now.

We made it from Vancouver to Mission today, and she's going to join me for an even longer and tougher ride into Hope tomorrow.  But based on my experience, no matter how tough today seemed, I think she'll do even better on day two.

Arrived safe and sound in Mission at the Sun Valley Trout Park.

Cooking steak kabobs and smores.

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