Thursday, May 1, 2014

Day 18: Last minute decisions

I didn't originally think I'd be going through PEI on this trip, but I realized today that it was an option if I took Halifax off the table. I threw this out as an option on Facebook and the feedback was surprisingly divided. I found all the input very useful and it certainly wasn't an easy decision.

While strong arguments were made for Halifax,  I couldn't justify passing up an entire province just to see one city. I had no allusions about seeing everything in Canada on this trip, and the list of places I won't be seeing is pretty long as it is. My goal was always to get coast to coast and see as much as I could along the way. Timing is a bit of an issue as I have a scheduled flight out of Newfoundland I need to make - hence why I don't have time to ride through both PEI and Halifax.

PEI won out because this is about the riding, not the destinations I end up in each day. I'd rather ride through a new province than spend several more days riding through the same province just to end up in a particular city.

It won't be difficult to find a reason to visit Halifax at some point in the future, however I won't have another chance to ride through every province in one trip.

Thanks again to everyone for their help on this one. I put in 115km today (1780 total) and crossed the bridge into PEI, tomorrow - Charlottetown!

*Today was pretty wet,  so unfortunately there aren't many pics.

 On the way to PEI

Getting shuttled over Confederation Bridge to PEI.

WARNING -Graphic image below

I saw my first beaver of this trip. Shhh - I think he's sleeping.

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