Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day 61: Arborg and the world's largest curling rock

The ride from the Narrows to Arborg cuts almost exclusively through wetlands so I was expecting to get eaten alive by bugs. What I've found out so far is that mosquitos leave me alone while I'm riding, but if I stop even briefly - they swarm me.  Black flies,  on the other hand, have no problem pacing me while I ride and they flew circles around me for most of the day. I'll credit the bug spray for keeping me from getting eaten, but the flies weren't exactly welcome travel companions.

I kept with a more reasonable 135km distance today, and aside from the black flies, the conditions were ideal. Very quite and peaceful.  Also, even with the increased daily distances, the past three days have bumped up my west coast trip average speed by almost a full km/hr*.

My destination for the night is Arborg, which boasts the very picturesque Icelandic River as well as the world's largest curling rock. I can't decide which I found more impressive.

Icelandic River

View of Lake Manitoba from my room this morning

Wetlands in the Interlake Region


To clarify,  they know the correct date in Arborg. I just took this pic mid promotional message

This is the world's largest curling rock. It's official

Another angle of the Icelandic River

*if you're wondering why I qualify stats as easy coast/west coast legs, it's because I had to reset my trip computer in St.  John's. I'll consolidate the data at the end of the trip. 

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