Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 62-63: Arborg to Selkirk to Kenora - Back in Ontario!

I'll note for the record that I actually had a full day of tailwind yesterday. The ride from Arborg to Selkirk was mostly in a southerly direction, so the wind from the north was very welcome. Today, however,  the weather returned to standard form and hit me a full day of headwind. Fortunately it wasn't too strong so it was manageable.

With a little more than 165km to the Ontario border I decided I was going to power through the wind and make my way back into the final province of the trip today. Unfortunately once I crossed the border there was nowhere to stop until Kenora so it was ultimately a 210km day.

The terrain shifted from the flat wetland of the previous days to thicker forest and rolling hills of the Canadian Shield. Wildlife started becoming more abundant as the cover of vegetation increased. I must have run across five deer today, and I constantly heard rustling in the shrubbery along the side of the road as I rode by.

It's nice to be back in Ontario, but the length of today's ride combined with the wind and the shifting elevation have left me pretty drained. I don't plan on taking a day off tomorrow, but it might end up being a light ride.

Final destination for today

 Waiting out the rain in Arborg before starting my ride yesterday

 Entering the Canadian Shield

The road to Kenora

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