This is okay, my initial schedule didn't have me arriving in St John's until Saturday - and that's without factoring in the four days off that I've taken already. Considering the challenging weather and my sloppy planning, I'm pleasantly surprised with how the schedule has worked out. I'll have plenty of time to unwind with my good friends Kerri and Brian when I get to St. John's before my flight leaves for Vancouver next week.
As for today, the weather was very cool, but generally sunny and no rain - so I have no complaints. I covered 150km to arrive in Clarenville, and have close to 200km left to St. John's. Most important - I FINALLY SAW A MOOSE! Unfortunately he moved pretty quick and I didn't have time to get a picture. I saw him bolt across the highway and was shocked at how instantly the traffic halted to accommodate him. This was fortunate because he dwarfed the largest vehicle on the road by quite a bit. Shockingly large animal.
Nice pic with the Terra Nova sign!