I had almost no wifi access yesterday, so this will cover two days. After leaving the motel yesterday, I had it in my mind to cover 125kms - both to get back on track for my daily average and to hit 500kms. It proved a little stressful as there were long stretches where I had no idea when or if rest stops were imminent. Also, my gps kept cutting out and my phone couldn't pick up wifi anywhere. I didn't know where I was going half the time and was completely surprised when I passed over into Quebec, I didn't think I'd be doing that until today. So Montreal is only 60km away as the crow flies and I expect to reach it by early afternoon.
This one's for my MTCS colleagues.
I somehow dropped my phone after taking this picture and didn't realize until 2km up the road. This would prove portentous.
I debated the safety of positioning Gracie on such a steep decline over a drainage ditch. I should have been more concerned for my phone. It fell out of my pocket as I was retrieving her, now it has a lovely broken screen.
Motel Rive du Lac was my sanctuary for the night.
8am, off to Montreal!
Dang, sucks about your phone. At least it still works though? Thanks for all the updates this is a fun adventure for me too.